Forsage Clone – A Key to Start a Trusted Smart Contract Based MLM Business

Smart Contract Based MLM software
For entrepreneurs low on budget and resources, MLM (multi-level marketing) is often the optimum business strategy. It enables you to connect to your customers directly, setting aside the supply chain, and to distribute the enhanced profits among the distributors and yourself. When done efficiently, MLM can grow rapidly and spread globally like a pyramid.
The only major drawback in MLM is the mistrust that may sometimes develop between the promoters and the distributors. The promoters may not be very sure of the capabilities or integrity of a distributor who has recently joined the network. Some promoters also doubt if they will be paid when getting new distributors to join the network.
Thanks to blockchain technology, there is a solution to eliminate all the mistrust, automate the MLM processes, and take your business fast forward.
The solution is – smart contract based MLM software.
What is a smart contract?
A smart contract is a self-executing agreement between the parties involved. Clauses these parties have agreed on are written in computer code, making up an algorithm. This agreement lies in a distributed, decentralized blockchain network. The algorithm triggers and controls the executions. Transactions executed by the contracts are trackable and irreversible.
What makes a smart contract score heavily on a conventional contract is the automated transaction, once the conditions mentioned in the agreement are met. Once a smart contract has been created, it is immutable. Not even the creators of the smart contract can change a bit of it.
The best smart contract based MLM software enables you to take your business ahead in good faith.
How smart contracts work
Smart contracts are generally built on Ethereum blockchain which decentralizes the code, making it fair to all the parties. The term decentralizes means the contracts are not controlled by a single entity like a government or a bank.
The blockchain itself is a shared database running collectively by several computers called nodes, working collectively as supercomputers. The structure makes blockchain near impossible to hack. This is the reason one can feel completely safe when depositing for products or services operating on a blockchain-based mechanism.
What does a smart contract offer?
Opting for an MLM business structured on a smart contract, this is what you get:
Safety – All components of the smart contract are encrypted, rendering utmost safety. It is foolproof and even the smartest hacker won’t be able to get through.
Speed – Manually processing the documents will take plenty of time. Smart contracts use software for automation, helping you save valuable resources.
Savings – Removing the intermediaries from the picture, smart contracts enable you to save money. A smart contract doesn’t require a third party to execute the transactions.
Accuracy – Automated contracts are faster, in-budget, and most important, accurate. It also saves you from errors that occur in the manual filing of a huge amount of data.
Autonomy – You can make the agreement on your own with no role of a lawyer, broker, or any other intermediary. Automated management by the network also does away with the risk of manipulation by a third party.
Trust – All documents are encrypted on a shared ledger which is immutable. No one can claim that they lost the document.
Backup – On a blockchain, there is absolutely no chance of someone interfering with the clauses in the contract. Each distributor has duplicated copies of the agreement.
Benefits of Smart Contracts based MLM Platform
They are reliable since once programmed they cannot be reversed.
They are cost-effective since there will be no more transactional costs and the use of a huge amount of papers.
They are efficient since their processing speed is much higher than a traditional contract. They automatically enforce whatever is defined.
They are automatic and require no third party involvement.
Though smart contracts are complex in nature and cannot be easily implemented, they make a perfect choice for modern businesses that transforming with the use of A.I, cloud, and many newer technologies.
Some of the Smart Contract MLM Clone Scripts
## Million Money Clone Script
Millionmoney is a networking program that is built on blockchain technology and ethereum cryptocurrency as p2p donation among members. Million Money occurs to be a pyramid scheme, that is you have to pay a fee to join the scheme, and then you have to refer other people to that scheme. The only possible way to make a positive return on your original joining fee is to convince enough people to join after you. You will receive a small portion of the fees from any members who you recruit, while the rest of your fees get passed to higher levels of the pyramid.
## Forsage Clone Script
Forsage, found at, is a MLM or multi-level marketing company that claims to have created the world’s first 100% decentralized Ethereum smart contract.Forsage ethereum smart contract “enables peer-to-peer (P2P) commission payments between its program participants.”
Forsage is Ethereum Blockchain Matrix Project, this smart contract is supposed to offer any participants “the ability to directly engage in personal and business transactions.
## Doubleway Clone Script
Doubleway Multi-level marketing (MLM) is one of the most popular and easy way to make money online and other than the health and wellness niche, cryptocurrency seems to be one of the most-talked-about opportunities to start various mlm business in the wider globe space.
Doubleway uses an MLM structured business model you can recruit new people to join doubleway through your affiliate link and build a downline team to earn commissions with the company.
## LionShare Script
Lionshare is a MLM or multi-level marketing company that claims to have created the world’s first 100% decentralized Ethereum smart contract.Forsage ethereum smart contract “enables peer-to-peer (P2P) commission payments between its program participants.” People are using this smart contract to give donations and receive donations in form of Ethereum.
## XOXO Network Clone Script
XOXO Network is a decentralized, peer to peer global powerline networking system that runs on set protocols with no admin or official authority. This Ethereum smart contract-based system requires members to choose between different smart contract projects that could potentially yield profits.
XOXO Network is nothing but a crypto-based cash gifting matrix cycler program. The Network uses Ethereum as the only method of payment that is member to member. Thus XOXO is the first-ever powerline network built on a smart contract, it protocols it’s unshakable and unstoppable to work and serve everyone equally.