Infrastructure and Cloud Services

Infrastructure and Cloud Services

Cloud infrastructure is the layer of software and hardware between your internal systems and the public cloud.

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Infrastructure and Cloud Services

Cloud infrastructure is the layer of software and hardware between your internal systems and the public cloud. Incorporating many different tools and solutions, this infrastructure is the essential system for a successful cloud computing deployment.

Infrastructure and Cloud Services

This layer of cloud infrastructure has grown as public cloud has changed the structure of the data center and its hardware. Up until now, IT equipment and data center systems adopted the circled wagon approach. Everything was behind a firewall and facing inward. The only users were inside the company and inside the firewall, as were the apps.

The cloud – and to some extent mobile – forces a break in that circle. Now businesses need to face outward, to AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, or other cloud companies. Businesses need to create a secure data flow in their firewall to connect securely to the public cloud and keep intruders out, while at the same time maintaining acceptable levels of performance

IaaS Benefits

IaaS is the foundation on which cloud infrastructure is built. Cloud infrastructure is the bricks and mortar, IaaS is the store. IaaS makes it possible to rent those cloud infrastructure components – compute, storage and networking – over the Internet from a public cloud provider.
